Thursday 2 February 2012

Indiana may soon be Rust Belt's first right-to-work state

As Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels prepares to sign right-to-work legislation into law, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn said he's not worried about the move driving companies out of Illinois and to Indiana. Before Quinn presented his State of the State

Indiana became the Rust Belt's first right-to-work state Wednesday in a move that is sure to embolden advocates seeking to curtail union rights across the country. But whether other states can replicate the conservatives'

Play Video Indiana (STOIN1) will become the nation's 23rd right-to-work state after its Senate exempted nonunion employees from paying dues when working alongside their unionized colleagues. The vote was 28-22, sending the measure to Republican

Read conservative news, blogs and opinion about Illinois, Indiana, Mitch Daniels, Pat Quinn, right to work and Unions from The Weekly Standard, the must read magazine available in online edition.

After reading the Sunday letters to the editor regarding right-to-work laws,I am appalled at the lack of balance. Simply put, right to work allows a worker to make a choice: Either join the union or not. It does not ban the unions, nor negate or in any

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