Monday 30 January 2012

Occupy DC faces 'noon' deadline to end camping

At Occupy sites across the nation, a popular call-and-response chant goes like this: "Show us what democracy looks like? This is what democracy looks like!" On Tuesday evening, as the sun went down on an unseasonably temperate afternoon,

Testifying on Capitol Hill, NPS director Jonathan Jarvis defended his federal agency's decision to tolerate open-ended camping by Occupy DC on McPherson Square -- even if its own rules say camping is prohibited. But, under pressure from Republicans on

By Maggie Fazeli Fard Occupy DC eviction: Tensions are running high at McPherson Square this morning as the noon deadline to enforce a ban on overnight camping approaches. Body found in well identified: Police say the body found in a Prince George's

US park police have used a stun gun on an Occupy protester, whose only crime was tearing down fliers warning demonstrators about a ban on camping in Washington's McPherson Square.

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama is attending the Alfalfa Club dinner, an annual black-tie event of the capital's political and business leaders. It is the second club dinner the president is addressing in four years.

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