Wednesday 1 February 2012

Benetton to the delisting

 After 25 years for Benetton approaching the delisting on the Milan Stock. A final decision will be taken today when it meets the board of directors of the parent edition, the holding company of the family in Ponzano Veneto, but the statement released yesterday by the company founded by Luciano Benetton does not leave much doubt.

"Edi  tion is studying the launch of a takeover bid with a subject company's securities have not yet, aimed at delisting. The competent bodies to take the decision to launch the takeover bid will meet" Wednesday, February 1 , "reads the note. Meanwhile, the title will remain suspended from trading until the expected release, in fact, for the day today.

Edizione controls just over 67% of the capital of Benetton is in addition to which a 5.66% of shares.

The reasons for this decision there was no so obvious. Analysts and experts talk about trends are not exactly brilliant, and refer to a stock market value is not congruent with the real one in view of a possible partition of Benetton between family members.

Also yesterday, in addition, the Board of Directors of Benetton Group, has taken note of the preliminary summary data for the year 2011. The complete and final year will be reviewed and approved by the Governing Board scheduled for March 15.

preliminary consolidated revenues for 2011 reached 2.031 billion, essentially unchanged compared to 2,053 million euros in 2010 (-0.4% at constant exchange rates, -1.1% at current exchange rates).

"The result achieved by the group in 2011 is generally positive, and highlights what has been the ability of brands to react and deal with a macroeconomic scenario, in the year, has been evolving in an increasingly negative, particularly in Southern Europe, "the group says in a statement. More specifically the apparel sector stood at 1.912 billion, compared to 1.948 million in 2010 (-1.1% at constant exchange rates), while the textile industry has seen sales increase over the previous year of 14 million, reaching 119 million (+14% at current exchange rates).

In the fourth quarter of 2011, total sales amounted to 550 million, down 5 million over the corresponding quarter of 2010, entirely due to exchange rate effects.

Examining the trend of revenues by geographical area in Europe have contributed to the positive results of the double-digit growth achieved in Russia and the former USSR countries, Developments in continental Europe (in particular Germany), and the performance of the UK market. At this contrasts with the decrease in Greece, even in partial improvement at the end of the year, and the most marginal reductions in the Spanish and Italian markets. Overall, Europe has shown a reduction of 2% for the year.

In the Americas (+6%) has confirmed the growth of Mexico. In the U.S. and Canada there was a decrease (-12%) related to the restructuring of the sales in those markets, the statement said. "In Asia (+5%), almost all countries have grown by double digits, including: India and Korea +11%, the Asian former Soviet Union more than 20%. In Greater Ink and all its components, there was evidence of a result in direct sales at constant (+ 5%). In the fall, however, Japan.

Photo: Benetton

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