Saturday 28 January 2012

Taxing the rich: Where do Obama, GOP front-runners stand?

Did the allure of launching a startup make its way to your 2012 "this year I am going to finally do it" plan? Have you been putting together your business.

The release of Mitt Romney's tax returns has intensified the debate over carried interest, the income that managers of investment partnerships receive that is taxed at a rate not available to the vast majority of working people.

President Obama and the leading Republican candidates, Mitt Romney and former House speaker Newt Gingrich, jockeyed for position on the tax front, specifically spelling out, among other things, how they would tax America's wealthiest citizens.

Did the allure of launching a startup make its way to your 2012 "this year I am going to finally do it" plan? Have you been putting together your business.

By GREGORY BRESIGER Political stalemate in Washington this year will likely mean higher taxes next year, including for middle-class people who could lose deductions and pay higher rates on capital gains, tax experts say.

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