Wednesday 25 January 2012

Obama delivers a confrontational State of the Union address

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) announced ahead of President Barack Obama's State of the Union address that he will host oil executives and local leaders affected by the president's rejection the Keystone XL

These terms that mean so much to passionate ideologues, like "privilege" or "personal responsibility," do not really belong to either side. Being a liberal does not make a person a socialist, and being conservative does not

You might have missed it among the long, long to-do list Obama gave last night, but the president announced two new housing proposals: more refinancing, and more investigations of banks. Neither is a breakthrough.

Though education played a sizable role in President Barack Obama's third State of the Union address Tuesday evening -- even proving to be the speech's most-trafficked topic on Twitter -- teachers, union officials and experts

The new, proposed investigation would have those same states' attorneys-general plus the feds go after risky lending and securitization practices. It's great politics to punish banks, and maybe they deserve it. But remember, the robo-signing

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