Saturday 28 January 2012

Chuck Series Finale Watch: Goodbye Chuck

So much can be -- and has been -- said about the resilience of NBC's Chuck. In fact, television circles will, I humbly predict, refer to it exactly how EP Josh Schwartz described it to EW: "Saved by sandwiches." The show always

By George Bremer / The Herald Bulletin, Anderson, Ind. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. -- Chuck Pagano is a self-described "people person," a trait that will come in handy if he hopes to accomplish his first goal as head coach of the Indianapolis Colts.

Chuck Hayes is optimistic his return to the court will be sooner rather than later. "We're gonna see how I wake up in the morning," the veteran big man told reporters after practice today. "See how my shoulder feels and it's going to be a gametime

"We are excited to make this announcement official since we have worked with Chuck for so many years where he has contributed to the success of our shows as well as others," said Paul Telegdy. UNIVERSAL CITY, Calif. - January 27, 2012 -- Chuck LaBella

Everyone tried their best to get Sarah's memories back in the two-part Chuck series finale. Read on to hear all about it.

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